The model for this ink drawing was fabulous. She elicits so many different feelings and so I'm able to draw her using totally different dominant colors. For this abstract, I just tried to achieve a feeling of movement and confidence. The colors in her hair made me go for blue!
Creating an Abstract Painting from Life!
Abstract figurative painting from life
Abstract, colorful nude painting done with heavy body acrylics on 48"x24" canvas.
This abstract, figurative painting is one of those examples of having too much of a good thing! The model was absolutely fabulous…She exudes sensuality and poise, and her presence is incredibly striking. So, the question I posed myself in painting her was, "Do I try to capture her physical beauty as I see it, or do I try to capture her essence and what it feels like to be in her presence?" This is always a dilemma for me in painting the figure (especially when I include the face). With this particular painting, I decided to go with abstracting certain shapes to hint at physical features without painting it to 'look' like her. Some of the decisions involved were: basic composition choices as to where to put her in space (seated, with one arm up), color choices for the background that would re-enforce the emotional feel of the painting, what facial characteristics to leave in or to leave out, and, finally…the big it finished? Whew! That's just a small portion of the questions one has to ask oneself when approaching a subject so challenging! (But, that's why I love painting the figure so much)! I'll continue to study this painting as it hangs on my studio wall. I'm sure it will speak to me in time and let me know when it's time to let her go.